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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package hl7.eu.fhir.idea4rc#current (109 ms)

Package hl7.eu.fhir.idea4rc
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-eu/idea4rc/ValueSet-vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc.html
Url http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc
Version 0.1.0
Status active
Date 2025-01-13T10:15:12+00:00
Name SurgicalProcedureTypeVs
Title Surgical Procedure Type
Experimental False
Realm eu
Authority hl7
Description Types of surgical procedure this resource is referring to (to be updated)

Resources that use this resource

Procedure-surgery-eu-i4rc Procedure: Surgery

Resources that this resource uses

http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/ValueSet/absent-or-unknown-procedures-uv-ips Absent or Unknown Procedures - IPS


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

Generated Narrative: ValueSet vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include these codes as defined in http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts
    4019656Isolated limb perfusion
    4003059Shoulder reconstruction
    37394766Primary open reduction rhinoplasty involving cartilage
    4333006Correction of rotational orbital dystopia
    46272956Dega osteotomy of pelvic bone
    4204599Reconstruction of lateral collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft
    4051629Reconstruction of trunk using fasciocutaneous flap
    42537247Reconstruction of hypopharynx
    42709805Reconstruction of upper limb
    4080089Extra-articular plastic replacement of intra-articular ligament
    4003550Obstetrics reconstruction
    4003564Thorax reconstruction
    4034457Eminence augmentation temporomandibular joint
    42539315Plastic operation of external ear
    4203605Repair of corneal laceration with conjunctival flap
    4090512Repair of cleft palate using pharyngeal flap
    4002364Trunk reconstruction
    4189676Osteoclasis of clavicle
    4048629Reconstruction of maxillary antrum
    4331816Cementoplasty using fluoroscopic guidance
    4142501Refracture of nasal bones
    4078089Primary intra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament
    4142079Conversion from uncemented hemiarthroplasty of hip
    4208618Refashioning of arteriovenous fistula
    4309273Plastic repair with lengthening
    4065708Repair of canthus with local skin flap
    37157471Total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation
    4271046Reconstructive orthopedic procedure
    4066082Reduction rhinoplasty
    4101560Functional reconstruction of internal nose
    4197307Augmentation of tibia
    4322461Treatment of nasomaxillary complex fracture, Lefort II type
    4029419Reconstruction of abdominal wall using flap
    4194057Excision of lesion of palate with local flap closure
    4107577Reduction of gigantism of hand
    44783283Local flap of skin to neck
    4003903Nerve reconstruction
    4166279Zancolli reconstruction stage 2
    4167829Reconstruction of diaphragm
    4232347Pharyngeal reconstruction by direct closure
    37152351Reconstruction of articular cartilage of knee joint
    4073105Distant microvascular transferred flap, axial pattern
    4003889Testis reconstruction
    44790033Graft of fascia to eyelid
    35610630Superior capsular reconstruction of shoulder joint
    4142230Repair of cleft hard palate with posteriorly based axial transposition flap
    40493419Primary extraarticular prosthetic augmentation of intraarticular ligament
    4104832Pemberton osteotomy operation of ilium
    4070619Repair of anterior cleft palate with local flap
    37165150Excision of pressure injury of lower limb with local flap reconstruction using skin flap
    4137375Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc
    4097143Pharyngoplasty for cleft palate
    4267431Osteoclasis of femur
    44807545Scapholunate ligament reconstruction
    4003234Scrotum reconstruction
    4221558Primary rhinoplasty with elevation of nasal tip
    44809224CT and fluoroscopy guided cementoplasty
    4107112Primary allograft augmentation extra-articular ligament
    44813882Revision of breast reduction
    4066079Total reconstruction of nose
    4004034Posterior segment of eye reconstruction
    4333018Posterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid
    40483135Revisional laminoplasty of cervical spine
    37157145Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone autograft
    4121436Bone reconstruction
    4235352Reconstruction of forehead using autograft
    4000743Pelvis reconstruction
    40483153Reconstruction of oral cavity
    42537125Transfer of distant skin flap to neck
    4002540Integumentary system reconstruction
    4012929Surgical closure of tracheal fistula with plastic repair
    4296539Middle ear reconstruction
    42539076Reconstruction using skin flap
    4147194Grafting of bone of clavicle
    42709788Reconstruction of lower limb
    4003560External ear reconstruction
    4003200Accessory sinus reconstruction
    4048315Occlusion of nostril
    4140871Repair of cleft hard palate with bipedicled flaps
    4140106Plastic repair of tricuspid valve
    4081414Reconstruction with distant flap
    44810515Fluoroscopy guided recanalisation of vein
    4140285Reconstruction of radial club hand
    46271054Reconstruction of floor of mouth
    44806754Closed rhinoplasty
    40492355Repositioning of corneal flap
    4335300Anterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid
    4203994Cervical laminoplasty with decompression of spinal cord
    4061557Reconstruction of eye socket
    4002402Cardiovascular system reconstruction
    37394749Primary open modification rhinoplasty involving cartilage
    4065699Correction of vertical orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies
    4049671Reconstruction of suprarenal artery
    4076601Conversion from uncemented unicompartmental knee replacement
    4166278Zancolli reconstruction stage 1
    4140813Plastic operation on muscle
    44782856Plastic operation on pharynx
    4144856Plastic repair of pulmonary valve
    37152798Revision of total replacement of knee joint using modular metal augmentation
    4212092Periprosthetic capsulotomy of breast
    4220514Augmentation osteoplasty of facial bones
    4169916Augmentation of bladder
    4121899Adipose tissue reduction operation
    4197308Augmentation of talus
    4241100Reduction mammoplasty
    4002398Trachea reconstruction
    4002208Adenoid reconstruction
    4002551Mouth reconstruction
    4137885Alar reconstruction with cartilage graft
    37156121Reconstruction using latissimus dorsi flap
    4019026Plastic repair of aorta
    4130390Refashioning urinary stoma
    4085126Reconstruction with fascial graft
    4083672Arthroscopic chondroplasty of shoulder joint
    4019423Profundoplasty of femoral artery and patch repair of deep femoral artery
    4343908Ligament reconstruction
    4001544Ovary reconstruction
    4048640Posterior pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty
    4262815Primary repair of torn ligament and capsule of knee, collateral
    4004035Extraocular muscles reconstruction
    46273050Reconstruction with supercharged free flap
    4237771Restoration of eyebrow with graft
    44782858Plastic operation on salivary duct
    4329163Reconstruction of subcutaneous tissue without skin graft
    4122104Reconstruction of mouth defect using graft
    4118961Pharyngeal reconstruction with distant flap
    37157470Revision of total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation
    4169902Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap
    4338040Reconstruction of orbital cavity with conjunctival flap
    4073709Pedicle flap urethroplasty
    4004057Construction in forearm
    4261527Reconstruction of below-elbow amputation
    4004031Anterior segment of eye reconstruction
    4224970Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament augmentation
    4027668Reconstruction of eyebrow
    4283380Plastic repair with prosthetic implant
    44807383Reconstruction of posterolateral corner of knee
    44807403Ligament reconstruction of carpometacarpal joint of thumb
    45766810Closed rhinoplasty
    4213796Rhinoplasty of nasal deformity
    4073099Reconstruction using distant free osteofasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis
    44783706Radial forearm free flap
    4306567Reconstruction of pharynx
    4286488Reconstruction of eyelid with graft
    4259418Reconstruction of medial collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft
    44782962Local fasciocutaneous flap to neck
    36674357Laparoscopic augmentation of lower esophageal sphincter using magnetic titanium ring
    4152497Reconstruction of nose with bone graft and skin flap
    4078254Primary arthroscopic prosthetic ligament augmentation
    4193059Plastic operations on nipple
    42872685Reconstruction of intraarticular ligament
    4001367Anus reconstruction
    4137609Reconstruction of penis
    4321095Reconstruction of joint
    4142883Grafting of skin and fat to eyelid
    35621837Repair of epispadias urethroplasty using glanular flap
    4073098Distant microvascular transferred flap, fasciocutaneous
    4052244Reconstruction of axillary artery
    4071370Plastic repair of tendon
    4047346Augmentation procedure
    4173484Reconstruction of femoral artery
    4002394Larynx reconstruction
    4259405Reconstruction of forehead using allograft
    4181413Limited rhinoplasty
    4236837Tendon pulley reconstruction
    4003054Hip joint reconstruction
    4023618Reconstruction of head and neck using muscle flap
    4048622Reconstruction of nose
    4146450Extraarticular scapular resection with reconstruction of shoulder
    4072138Plastic repair of radial insertion of biceps brachii
    42709789Reconstruction of lower leg
    4034441Resurfacing of the patella
    37152834Reconstruction using bipedicled flap
    4297300Ligamentous reconstruction of knee, intra-articular and extra-articular
    4078578Reduction of macrodactyly of hand
    4001363Small intestine reconstruction
    4117208Hand plastic operation with implant
    4204902Grafting of bone to iliac crest with microvascular anastomosis
    4330850Reconstruction of eyelid
    37152862Reconstruction using mucosal flap
    37152465Pedicle myocutaneous flap to eyelid
    44782960Local myocutaneous flap to neck
    42537372Reconstruction using forehead flap graft
    761060Plastic repair of thigh
    37162960Reconstruction using flap from forehead
    4072579Reconstruction of vagina
    4067249Reconstruction of nose with skin graft
    4049381Pharyngeal reconstruction using prosthesis
    4081413Reconstruction with skin graft
    4013058Conjunctival flap, partial
    4067246Augmentation rhinoplasty
    4168538Reconstruction of popliteal artery
    4135728Reconstruction of angular deformity of toe by soft tissue procedure
    4069606Chondroplasty of larynx
    40480565Ablative resurfacing of skin of eyelid using laser
    4075460Grafting of mucosa to head or neck
    4306447Repair of postcataract wound dehiscence with conjunctival flap
    4065700Correction of rotational orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies
    4123243Reduction of maxillary tuberosity
    4107105Primary autograft replacement extra-articular ligament
    4167163Reconstruction of head and neck using fasciocutaneous flap
    4311042Reconstruction of artery
    4199737Plastic repair with excision of tissue
    4343674Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint
    37157102Anterior palatoplasty
    42537375Reconstruction using deltopectoral pedicle flap
    37394753Primary closed modification rhinoplasty involving cartilage
    37163220Reconstruction using posterior tibial artery fasciocutaneous flap
    4001359Esophagus reconstruction
    4029134Augmentation of buttock
    4078258Arthroscopic acromioplasty
    4201285Bone graft of femur
    4000895Aorta reconstruction
    4070231Plastic excision of skin of abdominal wall
    4068549Overlay scleroplasty
    4077322Primary reattachment extra-articular ligament
    4132460Repair of spinal meningocele using local flap
    4231058Reconstruction of collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint using graft
    42709806Reconstruction of upper arm
    4002055Skin of trunk reconstruction
    4144883Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc
    4068912Repair of anterior cleft palate with vomerine flap
    44808441Endoscopic augmentation of lower oesophageal sphincter using hydrogel implant
    4000754Thigh reconstruction
    37394757Primary open augmentation rhinoplasty involving cartilage
    4180999Microvascular free tissue transfer of flap of muscle
    4068916Laser uvulectomy and palatal scarring
    4229990Reconstruction of vena cava
    4003045Neck reconstruction
    44806205Reconstruction of intra-articular ligament
    4210771Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness
    4183405Conjunctival flap, total
    4065574Hair bearing skin flap to eyebrow
    4280367Conjunctival flap, bridge
    4085260Reduction of batwing arms
    4237750Surgical closure of tracheostomy with plastic repair
    4186462Plastic repair with augmentation
    4329457Bone graft to nose
    4035766Complex reconstruction operations on wrist and hand(excluding arthroplasty)
    37158483Reconstruction of pressure injury stage II
    4115486Reconstruction artificial larynx
    4003551Brain reconstruction
    4001885Ankle reconstruction
    37157387Reconstruction of mandible using bone flap
    37157264Reconstruction of extremity using flap
    4089967Filleting of toe flap including preparation of recipient site
    44783703Laminoplasty at C3 and C4 vertebra
    4333697Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using distal tissue flap
    37152854Reconstruction using flap
    37157171Total replacement of knee with impaction bone graft
    4041981Gastrointestinal tract reconstruction
    40479267Transplantation of muscle flap to upper extremity
    44806206Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament
    4067091Conversion from previous direct anastomosis of esophagus
    4001020Lip reconstruction
    4036944Plastic repair with shortening
    4077325Primary open reattachment intra-articular ligament
    4267730Excision of ischial pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction
    4074406Complex reconstruction operations on hand and foot
    4139425Bone graft of patella
    4076602Conversion from hybrid unicompartmental knee replacement
    4107589Reduction of gigantism of foot
    4106756Primary extra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament
    4076600Conversion from cemented unicompartmental knee replacement
    4075317Reconstruction with mucosal graft
    4333005Correction of vertical orbital dystopia
    37158484Reconstruction of pressure injury stage III
    4071286Reconstruction of gastrostomy
    4002213Thymus reconstruction
    4232236Reconstruction of volar plate of interphalangeal joint of finger
    40479737Augmentation of pectoral region
    37157144Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone allograft
    36676206Plastic operation on palatopharyngeal sphincter with reconstruction using pharyngeal flap
    4048313Open rhinoplasty
    4330505Cementoplasty of glenoid using fluoroscopic guidance
    4070620Repair of cleft soft palate with intra-velar veloplasty
    4081734Reconstruction with local flap
    42537263Reconstruction of ear
    4240016Surgical fracture of nasal turbinates
    4127436Augmentation of periarticular bone
    4080101Reduction of macrodactyly of toe
    4081735Reconstruction with free flap
    4201943Reconstruction of vagina with flap
    4001552Eye reconstruction
    4170547Reconstruction of lateral canthus
    4032007Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane flap
    4245403Osteoclasis of scapula
    4134852Lingual frenoplasty
    4100203Suture of thoracic duct by abdominal approach
    4001871Wrist reconstruction
    4003571Abdomen reconstruction
    4032137Previous chest wall incision - repair with flap
    44807384Reconstruction of medial patellofemoral ligament
    4065698Correction of hypotelorism with orbital osteotomies
    4254212Plastic operation on hand with implant
    4263264Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty
    4260966Resection of pharyngeal wall with closure using myocutaneous flap
    37152911Robot assisted laparoscopic ureteroplasty with oral mucosal graft
    4210326Reconstruction of frontonasal duct
    4073975Plastic repair of urethrocele in female
    4093294Plastic operation on fascia
    37017415Reconstruction of joint of knee with external fixation
    4069045Repair of anterior palatal fistula with gingival flap
    4002695Lymphatic system reconstruction
    4339302Reconstruction of trunk using myocutaneous flap
    4107273Primary arthroscopic autograft ligament augmentation
    4004053Perineum reconstruction
    4146614Reconstruction of nose with flap
    4210148Augmentation of femur
    764574Reconstruction of conjunctival fornix
    4208343Augmentation of glenoid
    4132461Repair of spinal meningocele using distant flap
    4205235Thompson hemiarthroplasty of hip joint using cement
    4161778Guide wire recanalization of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast
    4124340Reconstruction of mouth using flap
    4071774Reconstruction using distant osteomyocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis
    4002405Heart reconstruction
    4335524Cementoplasty of acetabulum using fluoroscopic guidance
    4206405Excision of coccygeal pressure injury with coccygectomy and flap reconstruction
    4002209Tonsil reconstruction
    37157146Revision of total replacement of knee joint with impaction bone grafting
    44809351Revision of reduction mastopexy
    4247598Reconstruction of trunk using muscle flap
    4071131Repair of defect of palate with mucosal flap
    4032786Rhytidectomy of subcutaneous and musculoaponeurotic system
    4332314Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using local tissue flap
    4041631Enlargement procedure
    4185047Arthroscopically aided anterior cruciate ligament augmentation
    37158485Reconstruction of pressure injury stage IV
    4172453Osteoplasty of cranium with flap of bone
    4173515MUA - Manipulation under anesthetic of fractured nasal bones
    4337598Tracheal reconstruction with patch
    4003533Epididymis reconstruction
    4002555Stomach reconstruction
    4220482Tracheoplasty by intrathoracic approach
    44809637Fluoroscopy guided recanalisation of tunnelled central venous catheter using guide wire
    4117066Reconstruction of urethra
    4122290Plastic operation on spinal cord/meninges
    4001884Foot reconstruction
    44782859Plastic operation on salivary gland
    44783700Reconstruction of skin
    4184586Plastic repair with reduction
    4230793Repair of cisterna chyli
    4335301Reconstruction of eyelid with skin flap
    4310613Excision of trochanteric pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction
    4244731Augmentation of outflow tract of pulmonary valve
    4075122Plastic repair of rotator cuff of shoulder
    37311672Pedicle vascularized bone graft to iliac crest
    4048638Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus
    4001561Inner ear reconstruction
    4071129Repair of defect of palate with skin flap
    4070512Watson-Jones operation for reconstruction of lateral ligaments of ankle
    4002691Endocrine gland reconstruction
    4049435Intermediate transfer of pedicle flap
    4205774Reconstruction of dislocating patella with patellectomy
    4282469Tracheoplasty by cervical approach
    4002558Large intestine reconstruction
    4051618External rhinoplasty
    4056776Plastic repair and transfer of tissue
    4217826Revision rhinoplasty
    4197306Augmentation of humerus
    4199945Reconstruction of maxilla with flap
    4071128Repair of defect of palate with flap of palate
    4335178Correction of hypotelorism
    37394770Primary closed reduction rhinoplasty involving cartilage
    4144871Reconstruction of femoral artery or popliteal artery
    4215635Repair of entropion with lid reconstruction
    4003719Neck artery reconstruction
    4116621Hair bearing graft of skin to skin
    4123634Reconstruction of breast with flap
    4241567Plastic repair with radial incision
    4069043Repair of defect of palate with tongue flap
    4072048Reconstruction of tendon sheath
    4078088Primary autograft augmentation extra-articular ligament
    40480417Primary reconstruction of lamina of cervical spine
    4048336Pharyngeal reconstruction with local flap
    4201581Primary rhinoplasty of alar cartilages
    4339606Tracheal reconstruction with flap
    4336297Repair of spinal myelomeningocele using local flap
    37164591Reconstruction of nasopharynx using pedicle nasoseptal flap
    4042311Plastic repair procedure
    4144604Complex reconstruction of shoulder
    4123868Reconstruction of palate
    4297366Plastic repair of mouth
    4279760Reconstruction of head and neck using myocutaneous flap
    4070229Facelift and tightening of platysma
    40479712Transplantation of muscle flap to lower extremity
    4208344Augmentation of ulna
    4286791Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
    4285601Wardill operation, cleft palate repair
    4239567Grafting of bone of scapula
    4165736Pharyngolaryngectomy with radical neck dissection and reconstruction
    37157072Local fascial flap to eyelid
    4138869Conversion from cemented hemiarthroplasty of hip
    36676205Reconstruction of mandible using osteocutaneous flap
    44784395Resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus
    4281095Reconstruction of eyelid, partial-thickness
    4003725Vein reconstruction
    4002538Pericardium reconstruction
    4088219Osteoclasis of carpal and/or metacarpal bone
    764450Circumferential body lift
    4003065Hand reconstruction
    4041967Reconstruction for recurrent dislocating patella with extensor realignment
    37398848Primary closed augmentation rhinoplasty involving cartilage
    4201600Filleting of finger flap including preparation of recipient site
    4285274Formation of free flap graft by microvascular technique
    4003552Spinal cord reconstruction
    44782860Plastic operation on tongue
    37152785Reconstruction using pedicle fascial flap
    4107235Plastic repair and revision of injury
    764404Augmentation of maxillary sinus
    4270512Osteoclasis of patella
    4324447CT guided cementoplasty of glenoid
    45773109Plastic operation on trachea
    4048337Pharyngeal reconstruction with gastrointestinal anastomosis
    40482475Resurfacing of head of femur
    4002203Thyroid gland reconstruction
    4214889Carinal reconstruction
    4141236Reconstruction of external ear with flap
    37153594Total replacement of knee joint using modular metal augmentation
    4149336Plastic repair and revision with revascularization
    40479973Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament for stabilization of joint
    4001891Nasopharynx reconstruction
    4169832Reconstruction of superficial femoral artery
    40479754Augmentation of soft tissue of face using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene implant
    4003395Inguinal region reconstruction
    4003233Vas deferens reconstruction
    4335461Reduction of Reinke's edema
    4194745Excision of anal fissure and island flap closure
    4002200Pancreas reconstruction
  • Import all the codes that are contained in Absent or Unknown Procedures - IPS


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ValueSet vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc</b></p><a name=\"vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc\"> </a><a name=\"hcvs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc\"> </a><a name=\"vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc-en-US\"> </a><p>This value set includes codes based on the following rules:</p><ul><li>Include these codes as defined in <code>http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts</code><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td></tr><tr><td>4019656</td><td>Isolated limb perfusion</td></tr><tr><td>4003059</td><td>Shoulder reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>37394766</td><td>Primary open reduction rhinoplasty involving cartilage</td></tr><tr><td>4333006</td><td>Correction of rotational orbital dystopia</td></tr><tr><td>46272956</td><td>Dega osteotomy of pelvic bone</td></tr><tr><td>4204599</td><td>Reconstruction of lateral collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft</td></tr><tr><td>4051629</td><td>Reconstruction of trunk using fasciocutaneous flap</td></tr><tr><td>42537247</td><td>Reconstruction of hypopharynx</td></tr><tr><td>42709805</td><td>Reconstruction of upper limb</td></tr><tr><td>4080089</td><td>Extra-articular plastic replacement of intra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4003550</td><td>Obstetrics reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4003564</td><td>Thorax reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4034457</td><td>Eminence augmentation temporomandibular joint</td></tr><tr><td>42539315</td><td>Plastic operation of external ear</td></tr><tr><td>4203605</td><td>Repair of corneal laceration with conjunctival flap</td></tr><tr><td>4090512</td><td>Repair of cleft palate using pharyngeal flap</td></tr><tr><td>4002364</td><td>Trunk reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4189676</td><td>Osteoclasis of clavicle</td></tr><tr><td>4048629</td><td>Reconstruction of maxillary antrum</td></tr><tr><td>4331816</td><td>Cementoplasty using fluoroscopic guidance</td></tr><tr><td>4142501</td><td>Refracture of nasal bones</td></tr><tr><td>4078089</td><td>Primary intra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4142079</td><td>Conversion from uncemented hemiarthroplasty of hip</td></tr><tr><td>4208618</td><td>Refashioning of arteriovenous fistula</td></tr><tr><td>4309273</td><td>Plastic repair with lengthening</td></tr><tr><td>4065708</td><td>Repair of canthus with local skin flap</td></tr><tr><td>37157471</td><td>Total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4271046</td><td>Reconstructive orthopedic procedure</td></tr><tr><td>4066082</td><td>Reduction rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4101560</td><td>Functional reconstruction of internal nose</td></tr><tr><td>4197307</td><td>Augmentation of tibia</td></tr><tr><td>4322461</td><td>Treatment of nasomaxillary complex fracture, Lefort II type</td></tr><tr><td>4029419</td><td>Reconstruction of abdominal wall using flap</td></tr><tr><td>4194057</td><td>Excision of lesion of palate with local flap closure</td></tr><tr><td>4107577</td><td>Reduction of gigantism of hand</td></tr><tr><td>44783283</td><td>Local flap of skin to neck</td></tr><tr><td>4003903</td><td>Nerve reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4166279</td><td>Zancolli reconstruction stage 2</td></tr><tr><td>4167829</td><td>Reconstruction of diaphragm</td></tr><tr><td>4232347</td><td>Pharyngeal reconstruction by direct closure</td></tr><tr><td>37152351</td><td>Reconstruction of articular cartilage of knee joint</td></tr><tr><td>4073105</td><td>Distant microvascular transferred flap, axial pattern</td></tr><tr><td>4003889</td><td>Testis reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>44790033</td><td>Graft of fascia to eyelid</td></tr><tr><td>35610630</td><td>Superior capsular reconstruction of shoulder joint</td></tr><tr><td>4142230</td><td>Repair of cleft hard palate with posteriorly based axial transposition flap</td></tr><tr><td>40493419</td><td>Primary extraarticular prosthetic augmentation of intraarticular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4104832</td><td>Pemberton osteotomy operation of ilium</td></tr><tr><td>4070619</td><td>Repair of anterior cleft palate with local flap</td></tr><tr><td>37165150</td><td>Excision of pressure injury of lower limb with local flap reconstruction using skin flap</td></tr><tr><td>4137375</td><td>Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc</td></tr><tr><td>4097143</td><td>Pharyngoplasty for cleft palate</td></tr><tr><td>4267431</td><td>Osteoclasis of femur</td></tr><tr><td>44807545</td><td>Scapholunate ligament reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4003234</td><td>Scrotum reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4221558</td><td>Primary rhinoplasty with elevation of nasal tip</td></tr><tr><td>44809224</td><td>CT and fluoroscopy guided cementoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4107112</td><td>Primary allograft augmentation extra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>44813882</td><td>Revision of breast reduction</td></tr><tr><td>4066079</td><td>Total reconstruction of nose</td></tr><tr><td>4004034</td><td>Posterior segment of eye reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>37310508</td><td>Thyroplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4333018</td><td>Posterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid</td></tr><tr><td>40483135</td><td>Revisional laminoplasty of cervical spine</td></tr><tr><td>37157145</td><td>Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone autograft</td></tr><tr><td>4121436</td><td>Bone reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4235352</td><td>Reconstruction of forehead using autograft</td></tr><tr><td>4000743</td><td>Pelvis reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>40483153</td><td>Reconstruction of oral cavity</td></tr><tr><td>42537125</td><td>Transfer of distant skin flap to neck</td></tr><tr><td>4002540</td><td>Integumentary system reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4012929</td><td>Surgical closure of tracheal fistula with plastic repair</td></tr><tr><td>4296539</td><td>Middle ear reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>42539076</td><td>Reconstruction using skin flap</td></tr><tr><td>4147194</td><td>Grafting of bone of clavicle</td></tr><tr><td>42709788</td><td>Reconstruction of lower limb</td></tr><tr><td>4003560</td><td>External ear reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4003200</td><td>Accessory sinus reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4048315</td><td>Occlusion of nostril</td></tr><tr><td>4140871</td><td>Repair of cleft hard palate with bipedicled flaps</td></tr><tr><td>4140106</td><td>Plastic repair of tricuspid valve</td></tr><tr><td>4081414</td><td>Reconstruction with distant flap</td></tr><tr><td>44810515</td><td>Fluoroscopy guided recanalisation of vein</td></tr><tr><td>4140285</td><td>Reconstruction of radial club hand</td></tr><tr><td>46271054</td><td>Reconstruction of floor of mouth</td></tr><tr><td>44806754</td><td>Closed rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>40492355</td><td>Repositioning of corneal flap</td></tr><tr><td>4335300</td><td>Anterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid</td></tr><tr><td>4203994</td><td>Cervical laminoplasty with decompression of spinal cord</td></tr><tr><td>4061557</td><td>Reconstruction of eye socket</td></tr><tr><td>4002402</td><td>Cardiovascular system reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>37394749</td><td>Primary open modification rhinoplasty involving cartilage</td></tr><tr><td>4065699</td><td>Correction of vertical orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies</td></tr><tr><td>4049671</td><td>Reconstruction of suprarenal artery</td></tr><tr><td>4076601</td><td>Conversion from uncemented unicompartmental knee replacement</td></tr><tr><td>4166278</td><td>Zancolli reconstruction stage 1</td></tr><tr><td>4140813</td><td>Plastic operation on muscle</td></tr><tr><td>44782856</td><td>Plastic operation on pharynx</td></tr><tr><td>4144856</td><td>Plastic repair of pulmonary valve</td></tr><tr><td>37152798</td><td>Revision of total replacement of knee joint using modular metal augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4212092</td><td>Periprosthetic capsulotomy of breast</td></tr><tr><td>4220514</td><td>Augmentation osteoplasty of facial bones</td></tr><tr><td>4169916</td><td>Augmentation of bladder</td></tr><tr><td>4121899</td><td>Adipose tissue reduction operation</td></tr><tr><td>4197308</td><td>Augmentation of talus</td></tr><tr><td>4241100</td><td>Reduction mammoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4002398</td><td>Trachea reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4002208</td><td>Adenoid reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4002551</td><td>Mouth reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4137885</td><td>Alar reconstruction with cartilage graft</td></tr><tr><td>4048431</td><td>Rhinoseptoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4313292</td><td>Bronchoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>37156121</td><td>Reconstruction using latissimus dorsi flap</td></tr><tr><td>4019026</td><td>Plastic repair of aorta</td></tr><tr><td>4130390</td><td>Refashioning urinary stoma</td></tr><tr><td>4085126</td><td>Reconstruction with fascial graft</td></tr><tr><td>4083672</td><td>Arthroscopic chondroplasty of shoulder joint</td></tr><tr><td>4019423</td><td>Profundoplasty of femoral artery and patch repair of deep femoral artery</td></tr><tr><td>4343908</td><td>Ligament reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4001544</td><td>Ovary reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4048640</td><td>Posterior pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4262815</td><td>Primary repair of torn ligament and capsule of knee, collateral</td></tr><tr><td>4004035</td><td>Extraocular muscles reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>46273050</td><td>Reconstruction with supercharged free flap</td></tr><tr><td>4237771</td><td>Restoration of eyebrow with graft</td></tr><tr><td>44782858</td><td>Plastic operation on salivary duct</td></tr><tr><td>4329163</td><td>Reconstruction of subcutaneous tissue without skin graft</td></tr><tr><td>4122104</td><td>Reconstruction of mouth defect using graft</td></tr><tr><td>4118961</td><td>Pharyngeal reconstruction with distant flap</td></tr><tr><td>37157470</td><td>Revision of total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4169902</td><td>Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap</td></tr><tr><td>4338040</td><td>Reconstruction of orbital cavity with conjunctival flap</td></tr><tr><td>4073709</td><td>Pedicle flap urethroplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4004057</td><td>Construction in forearm</td></tr><tr><td>4261527</td><td>Reconstruction of below-elbow amputation</td></tr><tr><td>4004031</td><td>Anterior segment of eye reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4224970</td><td>Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4027668</td><td>Reconstruction of eyebrow</td></tr><tr><td>4283380</td><td>Plastic repair with prosthetic implant</td></tr><tr><td>44807383</td><td>Reconstruction of posterolateral corner of knee</td></tr><tr><td>44807403</td><td>Ligament reconstruction of carpometacarpal joint of thumb</td></tr><tr><td>45766810</td><td>Closed rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4213796</td><td>Rhinoplasty of nasal deformity</td></tr><tr><td>4073099</td><td>Reconstruction using distant free osteofasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis</td></tr><tr><td>44783706</td><td>Radial forearm free flap</td></tr><tr><td>4306567</td><td>Reconstruction of pharynx</td></tr><tr><td>4286488</td><td>Reconstruction of eyelid with graft</td></tr><tr><td>4259418</td><td>Reconstruction of medial collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft</td></tr><tr><td>44782962</td><td>Local fasciocutaneous flap to neck</td></tr><tr><td>36674357</td><td>Laparoscopic augmentation of lower esophageal sphincter using magnetic titanium ring</td></tr><tr><td>4152497</td><td>Reconstruction of nose with bone graft and skin flap</td></tr><tr><td>4078254</td><td>Primary arthroscopic prosthetic ligament augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4193059</td><td>Plastic operations on nipple</td></tr><tr><td>42872685</td><td>Reconstruction of intraarticular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4001367</td><td>Anus reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4137609</td><td>Reconstruction of penis</td></tr><tr><td>4321095</td><td>Reconstruction of joint</td></tr><tr><td>4142883</td><td>Grafting of skin and fat to eyelid</td></tr><tr><td>35621837</td><td>Repair of epispadias urethroplasty using glanular flap</td></tr><tr><td>4073098</td><td>Distant microvascular transferred flap, fasciocutaneous</td></tr><tr><td>4052244</td><td>Reconstruction of axillary artery</td></tr><tr><td>4071370</td><td>Plastic repair of tendon</td></tr><tr><td>4047346</td><td>Augmentation procedure</td></tr><tr><td>4173484</td><td>Reconstruction of femoral artery</td></tr><tr><td>4002394</td><td>Larynx reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4259405</td><td>Reconstruction of forehead using allograft</td></tr><tr><td>4181413</td><td>Limited rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4236837</td><td>Tendon pulley reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4003054</td><td>Hip joint reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4023618</td><td>Reconstruction of head and neck using muscle flap</td></tr><tr><td>4048622</td><td>Reconstruction of nose</td></tr><tr><td>4146450</td><td>Extraarticular scapular resection with reconstruction of shoulder</td></tr><tr><td>4072138</td><td>Plastic repair of radial insertion of biceps brachii</td></tr><tr><td>42709789</td><td>Reconstruction of lower leg</td></tr><tr><td>4034441</td><td>Resurfacing of the patella</td></tr><tr><td>37152834</td><td>Reconstruction using bipedicled flap</td></tr><tr><td>4297300</td><td>Ligamentous reconstruction of knee, intra-articular and extra-articular</td></tr><tr><td>4078578</td><td>Reduction of macrodactyly of hand</td></tr><tr><td>4001363</td><td>Small intestine reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4117208</td><td>Hand plastic operation with implant</td></tr><tr><td>4204902</td><td>Grafting of bone to iliac crest with microvascular anastomosis</td></tr><tr><td>4330850</td><td>Reconstruction of eyelid</td></tr><tr><td>4180122</td><td>Uvulopalatoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>37152862</td><td>Reconstruction using mucosal flap</td></tr><tr><td>37152465</td><td>Pedicle myocutaneous flap to eyelid</td></tr><tr><td>44782960</td><td>Local myocutaneous flap to neck</td></tr><tr><td>42537372</td><td>Reconstruction using forehead flap graft</td></tr><tr><td>761060</td><td>Plastic repair of thigh</td></tr><tr><td>37162960</td><td>Reconstruction using flap from forehead</td></tr><tr><td>4072579</td><td>Reconstruction of vagina</td></tr><tr><td>4067249</td><td>Reconstruction of nose with skin graft</td></tr><tr><td>4049381</td><td>Pharyngeal reconstruction using prosthesis</td></tr><tr><td>4081413</td><td>Reconstruction with skin graft</td></tr><tr><td>4013058</td><td>Conjunctival flap, partial</td></tr><tr><td>4067246</td><td>Augmentation rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4168538</td><td>Reconstruction of popliteal artery</td></tr><tr><td>4135728</td><td>Reconstruction of angular deformity of toe by soft tissue procedure</td></tr><tr><td>4069606</td><td>Chondroplasty of larynx</td></tr><tr><td>40480565</td><td>Ablative resurfacing of skin of eyelid using laser</td></tr><tr><td>4075460</td><td>Grafting of mucosa to head or neck</td></tr><tr><td>4306447</td><td>Repair of postcataract wound dehiscence with conjunctival flap</td></tr><tr><td>4065700</td><td>Correction of rotational orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies</td></tr><tr><td>4123243</td><td>Reduction of maxillary tuberosity</td></tr><tr><td>4107105</td><td>Primary autograft replacement extra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4167163</td><td>Reconstruction of head and neck using fasciocutaneous flap</td></tr><tr><td>4311042</td><td>Reconstruction of artery</td></tr><tr><td>4199737</td><td>Plastic repair with excision of tissue</td></tr><tr><td>4343674</td><td>Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint</td></tr><tr><td>37157102</td><td>Anterior palatoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>42537375</td><td>Reconstruction using deltopectoral pedicle flap</td></tr><tr><td>37394753</td><td>Primary closed modification rhinoplasty involving cartilage</td></tr><tr><td>37163220</td><td>Reconstruction using posterior tibial artery fasciocutaneous flap</td></tr><tr><td>4001359</td><td>Esophagus reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4029134</td><td>Augmentation of buttock</td></tr><tr><td>4078258</td><td>Arthroscopic acromioplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4201285</td><td>Bone graft of femur</td></tr><tr><td>4000895</td><td>Aorta reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4070231</td><td>Plastic excision of skin of abdominal wall</td></tr><tr><td>4068549</td><td>Overlay scleroplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4077322</td><td>Primary reattachment extra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4132460</td><td>Repair of spinal meningocele using local flap</td></tr><tr><td>4231058</td><td>Reconstruction of collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint using graft</td></tr><tr><td>42709806</td><td>Reconstruction of upper arm</td></tr><tr><td>4002055</td><td>Skin of trunk reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4144883</td><td>Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc</td></tr><tr><td>4068912</td><td>Repair of anterior cleft palate with vomerine flap</td></tr><tr><td>44808441</td><td>Endoscopic augmentation of lower oesophageal sphincter using hydrogel implant</td></tr><tr><td>4000754</td><td>Thigh reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>37394757</td><td>Primary open augmentation rhinoplasty involving cartilage</td></tr><tr><td>4180999</td><td>Microvascular free tissue transfer of flap of muscle</td></tr><tr><td>4068916</td><td>Laser uvulectomy and palatal scarring</td></tr><tr><td>4229990</td><td>Reconstruction of vena cava</td></tr><tr><td>4003045</td><td>Neck reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>44806205</td><td>Reconstruction of intra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4210771</td><td>Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness</td></tr><tr><td>4183405</td><td>Conjunctival flap, total</td></tr><tr><td>4065574</td><td>Hair bearing skin flap to eyebrow</td></tr><tr><td>4280367</td><td>Conjunctival flap, bridge</td></tr><tr><td>4085260</td><td>Reduction of batwing arms</td></tr><tr><td>4237750</td><td>Surgical closure of tracheostomy with plastic repair</td></tr><tr><td>4186462</td><td>Plastic repair with augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4329457</td><td>Bone graft to nose</td></tr><tr><td>4035766</td><td>Complex reconstruction operations on wrist and hand(excluding arthroplasty)</td></tr><tr><td>37158483</td><td>Reconstruction of pressure injury stage II</td></tr><tr><td>4115486</td><td>Reconstruction artificial larynx</td></tr><tr><td>4003551</td><td>Brain reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4001885</td><td>Ankle reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>37157387</td><td>Reconstruction of mandible using bone flap</td></tr><tr><td>37157264</td><td>Reconstruction of extremity using flap</td></tr><tr><td>4089967</td><td>Filleting of toe flap including preparation of recipient site</td></tr><tr><td>44783703</td><td>Laminoplasty at C3 and C4 vertebra</td></tr><tr><td>4333697</td><td>Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using distal tissue flap</td></tr><tr><td>37152854</td><td>Reconstruction using flap</td></tr><tr><td>37157171</td><td>Total replacement of knee with impaction bone graft</td></tr><tr><td>4041981</td><td>Gastrointestinal tract reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>40479267</td><td>Transplantation of muscle flap to upper extremity</td></tr><tr><td>44806206</td><td>Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4067091</td><td>Conversion from previous direct anastomosis of esophagus</td></tr><tr><td>4001020</td><td>Lip reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4036944</td><td>Plastic repair with shortening</td></tr><tr><td>4077325</td><td>Primary open reattachment intra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4267730</td><td>Excision of ischial pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4074406</td><td>Complex reconstruction operations on hand and foot</td></tr><tr><td>4139425</td><td>Bone graft of patella</td></tr><tr><td>4076602</td><td>Conversion from hybrid unicompartmental knee replacement</td></tr><tr><td>4107589</td><td>Reduction of gigantism of foot</td></tr><tr><td>4106756</td><td>Primary extra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4076600</td><td>Conversion from cemented unicompartmental knee replacement</td></tr><tr><td>4075317</td><td>Reconstruction with mucosal graft</td></tr><tr><td>4071518</td><td>Abdominoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4333005</td><td>Correction of vertical orbital dystopia</td></tr><tr><td>37158484</td><td>Reconstruction of pressure injury stage III</td></tr><tr><td>4071286</td><td>Reconstruction of gastrostomy</td></tr><tr><td>4002213</td><td>Thymus reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4232236</td><td>Reconstruction of volar plate of interphalangeal joint of finger</td></tr><tr><td>40479737</td><td>Augmentation of pectoral region</td></tr><tr><td>37157144</td><td>Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone allograft</td></tr><tr><td>36676206</td><td>Plastic operation on palatopharyngeal sphincter with reconstruction using pharyngeal flap</td></tr><tr><td>4048313</td><td>Open rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4330505</td><td>Cementoplasty of glenoid using fluoroscopic guidance</td></tr><tr><td>4070620</td><td>Repair of cleft soft palate with intra-velar veloplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4081734</td><td>Reconstruction with local flap</td></tr><tr><td>42537263</td><td>Reconstruction of ear</td></tr><tr><td>4240016</td><td>Surgical fracture of nasal turbinates</td></tr><tr><td>4127436</td><td>Augmentation of periarticular bone</td></tr><tr><td>4080101</td><td>Reduction of macrodactyly of toe</td></tr><tr><td>4081735</td><td>Reconstruction with free flap</td></tr><tr><td>4201943</td><td>Reconstruction of vagina with flap</td></tr><tr><td>4001552</td><td>Eye reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4170547</td><td>Reconstruction of lateral canthus</td></tr><tr><td>4032007</td><td>Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane flap</td></tr><tr><td>4245403</td><td>Osteoclasis of scapula</td></tr><tr><td>4134852</td><td>Lingual frenoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4100203</td><td>Suture of thoracic duct by abdominal approach</td></tr><tr><td>4001871</td><td>Wrist reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4003571</td><td>Abdomen reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4032137</td><td>Previous chest wall incision - repair with flap</td></tr><tr><td>44807384</td><td>Reconstruction of medial patellofemoral ligament</td></tr><tr><td>4065698</td><td>Correction of hypotelorism with orbital osteotomies</td></tr><tr><td>4254212</td><td>Plastic operation on hand with implant</td></tr><tr><td>4263264</td><td>Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4260966</td><td>Resection of pharyngeal wall with closure using myocutaneous flap</td></tr><tr><td>37152911</td><td>Robot assisted laparoscopic ureteroplasty with oral mucosal graft</td></tr><tr><td>4210326</td><td>Reconstruction of frontonasal duct</td></tr><tr><td>4073975</td><td>Plastic repair of urethrocele in female</td></tr><tr><td>4093294</td><td>Plastic operation on fascia</td></tr><tr><td>37017415</td><td>Reconstruction of joint of knee with external fixation</td></tr><tr><td>4069045</td><td>Repair of anterior palatal fistula with gingival flap</td></tr><tr><td>4002695</td><td>Lymphatic system reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4339302</td><td>Reconstruction of trunk using myocutaneous flap</td></tr><tr><td>4107273</td><td>Primary arthroscopic autograft ligament augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4004053</td><td>Perineum reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4146614</td><td>Reconstruction of nose with flap</td></tr><tr><td>4210148</td><td>Augmentation of femur</td></tr><tr><td>764574</td><td>Reconstruction of conjunctival fornix</td></tr><tr><td>4208343</td><td>Augmentation of glenoid</td></tr><tr><td>4132461</td><td>Repair of spinal meningocele using distant flap</td></tr><tr><td>4205235</td><td>Thompson hemiarthroplasty of hip joint using cement</td></tr><tr><td>4161778</td><td>Guide wire recanalization of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast</td></tr><tr><td>4124340</td><td>Reconstruction of mouth using flap</td></tr><tr><td>4071774</td><td>Reconstruction using distant osteomyocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis</td></tr><tr><td>4002405</td><td>Heart reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4335524</td><td>Cementoplasty of acetabulum using fluoroscopic guidance</td></tr><tr><td>4206405</td><td>Excision of coccygeal pressure injury with coccygectomy and flap reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4002209</td><td>Tonsil reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>37157146</td><td>Revision of total replacement of knee joint with impaction bone grafting</td></tr><tr><td>44809351</td><td>Revision of reduction mastopexy</td></tr><tr><td>4247598</td><td>Reconstruction of trunk using muscle flap</td></tr><tr><td>4071131</td><td>Repair of defect of palate with mucosal flap</td></tr><tr><td>4032786</td><td>Rhytidectomy of subcutaneous and musculoaponeurotic system</td></tr><tr><td>4332314</td><td>Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using local tissue flap</td></tr><tr><td>4041631</td><td>Enlargement procedure</td></tr><tr><td>4185047</td><td>Arthroscopically aided anterior cruciate ligament augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>37158485</td><td>Reconstruction of pressure injury stage IV</td></tr><tr><td>4172453</td><td>Osteoplasty of cranium with flap of bone</td></tr><tr><td>4173515</td><td>MUA - Manipulation under anesthetic of fractured nasal bones</td></tr><tr><td>4337598</td><td>Tracheal reconstruction with patch</td></tr><tr><td>4003533</td><td>Epididymis reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4002555</td><td>Stomach reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4220482</td><td>Tracheoplasty by intrathoracic approach</td></tr><tr><td>44809637</td><td>Fluoroscopy guided recanalisation of tunnelled central venous catheter using guide wire</td></tr><tr><td>4117066</td><td>Reconstruction of urethra</td></tr><tr><td>4122290</td><td>Plastic operation on spinal cord/meninges</td></tr><tr><td>4001884</td><td>Foot reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>44782859</td><td>Plastic operation on salivary gland</td></tr><tr><td>44783700</td><td>Reconstruction of skin</td></tr><tr><td>4184586</td><td>Plastic repair with reduction</td></tr><tr><td>4230793</td><td>Repair of cisterna chyli</td></tr><tr><td>4335301</td><td>Reconstruction of eyelid with skin flap</td></tr><tr><td>4310613</td><td>Excision of trochanteric pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4244731</td><td>Augmentation of outflow tract of pulmonary valve</td></tr><tr><td>4075122</td><td>Plastic repair of rotator cuff of shoulder</td></tr><tr><td>37311672</td><td>Pedicle vascularized bone graft to iliac crest</td></tr><tr><td>4337469</td><td>Laryngotracheoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4048638</td><td>Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus</td></tr><tr><td>4338529</td><td>Hysterotracheloplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4001561</td><td>Inner ear reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4071129</td><td>Repair of defect of palate with skin flap</td></tr><tr><td>4070512</td><td>Watson-Jones operation for reconstruction of lateral ligaments of ankle</td></tr><tr><td>4002691</td><td>Endocrine gland reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4049435</td><td>Intermediate transfer of pedicle flap</td></tr><tr><td>4205774</td><td>Reconstruction of dislocating patella with patellectomy</td></tr><tr><td>4282469</td><td>Tracheoplasty by cervical approach</td></tr><tr><td>4002558</td><td>Large intestine reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4051618</td><td>External rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4056776</td><td>Plastic repair and transfer of tissue</td></tr><tr><td>4312953</td><td>Gastroplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4217826</td><td>Revision rhinoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4197306</td><td>Augmentation of humerus</td></tr><tr><td>4199945</td><td>Reconstruction of maxilla with flap</td></tr><tr><td>4333152</td><td>Iridoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4071128</td><td>Repair of defect of palate with flap of palate</td></tr><tr><td>4335178</td><td>Correction of hypotelorism</td></tr><tr><td>37394770</td><td>Primary closed reduction rhinoplasty involving cartilage</td></tr><tr><td>4162104</td><td>Frenoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4144871</td><td>Reconstruction of femoral artery or popliteal artery</td></tr><tr><td>4215635</td><td>Repair of entropion with lid reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4003719</td><td>Neck artery reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4116621</td><td>Hair bearing graft of skin to skin</td></tr><tr><td>4123634</td><td>Reconstruction of breast with flap</td></tr><tr><td>4241567</td><td>Plastic repair with radial incision</td></tr><tr><td>4069043</td><td>Repair of defect of palate with tongue flap</td></tr><tr><td>4072048</td><td>Reconstruction of tendon sheath</td></tr><tr><td>4078088</td><td>Primary autograft augmentation extra-articular ligament</td></tr><tr><td>40480417</td><td>Primary reconstruction of lamina of cervical spine</td></tr><tr><td>4048336</td><td>Pharyngeal reconstruction with local flap</td></tr><tr><td>4201581</td><td>Primary rhinoplasty of alar cartilages</td></tr><tr><td>4339606</td><td>Tracheal reconstruction with flap</td></tr><tr><td>4336297</td><td>Repair of spinal myelomeningocele using local flap</td></tr><tr><td>37164591</td><td>Reconstruction of nasopharynx using pedicle nasoseptal flap</td></tr><tr><td>4042311</td><td>Plastic repair procedure</td></tr><tr><td>4144604</td><td>Complex reconstruction of shoulder</td></tr><tr><td>4123868</td><td>Reconstruction of palate</td></tr><tr><td>4297366</td><td>Plastic repair of mouth</td></tr><tr><td>4279760</td><td>Reconstruction of head and neck using myocutaneous flap</td></tr><tr><td>4070229</td><td>Facelift and tightening of platysma</td></tr><tr><td>40479712</td><td>Transplantation of muscle flap to lower extremity</td></tr><tr><td>4208344</td><td>Augmentation of ulna</td></tr><tr><td>4286791</td><td>Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4285601</td><td>Wardill operation, cleft palate repair</td></tr><tr><td>4307240</td><td>Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty</td></tr><tr><td>4239567</td><td>Grafting of bone of scapula</td></tr><tr><td>4165736</td><td>Pharyngolaryngectomy with radical neck dissection and reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>37157072</td><td>Local fascial flap to eyelid</td></tr><tr><td>4138869</td><td>Conversion from cemented hemiarthroplasty of hip</td></tr><tr><td>36676205</td><td>Reconstruction of mandible using osteocutaneous flap</td></tr><tr><td>44784395</td><td>Resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus</td></tr><tr><td>4281095</td><td>Reconstruction of eyelid, partial-thickness</td></tr><tr><td>4003725</td><td>Vein reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4002538</td><td>Pericardium reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4088219</td><td>Osteoclasis of carpal and/or metacarpal bone</td></tr><tr><td>764450</td><td>Circumferential body lift</td></tr><tr><td>4003065</td><td>Hand reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4041967</td><td>Reconstruction for recurrent dislocating patella with extensor realignment</td></tr><tr><td>37398848</td><td>Primary closed augmentation rhinoplasty involving cartilage</td></tr><tr><td>4201600</td><td>Filleting of finger flap including preparation of recipient site</td></tr><tr><td>4285274</td><td>Formation of free flap graft by microvascular technique</td></tr><tr><td>4003552</td><td>Spinal cord reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>44782860</td><td>Plastic operation on tongue</td></tr><tr><td>37152785</td><td>Reconstruction using pedicle fascial flap</td></tr><tr><td>4107235</td><td>Plastic repair and revision of injury</td></tr><tr><td>764404</td><td>Augmentation of maxillary sinus</td></tr><tr><td>4270512</td><td>Osteoclasis of patella</td></tr><tr><td>4324447</td><td>CT guided cementoplasty of glenoid</td></tr><tr><td>45773109</td><td>Plastic operation on trachea</td></tr><tr><td>4048337</td><td>Pharyngeal reconstruction with gastrointestinal anastomosis</td></tr><tr><td>40482475</td><td>Resurfacing of head of femur</td></tr><tr><td>4002203</td><td>Thyroid gland reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4214889</td><td>Carinal reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4141236</td><td>Reconstruction of external ear with flap</td></tr><tr><td>37153594</td><td>Total replacement of knee joint using modular metal augmentation</td></tr><tr><td>4149336</td><td>Plastic repair and revision with revascularization</td></tr><tr><td>40479973</td><td>Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament for stabilization of joint</td></tr><tr><td>4001891</td><td>Nasopharynx reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4169832</td><td>Reconstruction of superficial femoral artery</td></tr><tr><td>40479754</td><td>Augmentation of soft tissue of face using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene implant</td></tr><tr><td>4003395</td><td>Inguinal region reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4003233</td><td>Vas deferens reconstruction</td></tr><tr><td>4335461</td><td>Reduction of Reinke's edema</td></tr><tr><td>4194745</td><td>Excision of anal fissure and island flap closure</td></tr><tr><td>4002200</td><td>Pancreas reconstruction</td></tr></table></li><li>Import all the codes that are contained in <a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/STU1.1/ValueSet-absent-or-unknown-procedures-uv-ips.html\">Absent or Unknown Procedures - IPS</a></li></ul></div>"
  "url" : "http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/vs-surgicalProcedureType-eu-i4rc",
  "version" : "0.1.0",
  "name" : "SurgicalProcedureTypeVs",
  "title" : "Surgical Procedure Type",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2025-01-13T10:15:12+00:00",
  "publisher" : "IDEA4RC Project",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "IDEA4RC Project",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://www.idea4rc.eu/"
      "name" : "IDEA4RC Project",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://www.idea4rc.eu/"
  "description" : "Types of surgical procedure this resource is referring to (to be updated)",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm",
          "code" : "150",
          "display" : "Europe"
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "4019656",
            "display" : "Isolated limb perfusion"
            "code" : "4003059",
            "display" : "Shoulder reconstruction"
            "code" : "37394766",
            "display" : "Primary open reduction rhinoplasty involving cartilage"
            "code" : "4333006",
            "display" : "Correction of rotational orbital dystopia"
            "code" : "46272956",
            "display" : "Dega osteotomy of pelvic bone"
            "code" : "4204599",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of lateral collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft"
            "code" : "4051629",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of trunk using fasciocutaneous flap"
            "code" : "42537247",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of hypopharynx"
            "code" : "42709805",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of upper limb"
            "code" : "4080089",
            "display" : "Extra-articular plastic replacement of intra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4003550",
            "display" : "Obstetrics reconstruction"
            "code" : "4003564",
            "display" : "Thorax reconstruction"
            "code" : "4034457",
            "display" : "Eminence augmentation temporomandibular joint"
            "code" : "42539315",
            "display" : "Plastic operation of external ear"
            "code" : "4203605",
            "display" : "Repair of corneal laceration with conjunctival flap"
            "code" : "4090512",
            "display" : "Repair of cleft palate using pharyngeal flap"
            "code" : "4002364",
            "display" : "Trunk reconstruction"
            "code" : "4189676",
            "display" : "Osteoclasis of clavicle"
            "code" : "4048629",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of maxillary antrum"
            "code" : "4331816",
            "display" : "Cementoplasty using fluoroscopic guidance"
            "code" : "4142501",
            "display" : "Refracture of nasal bones"
            "code" : "4078089",
            "display" : "Primary intra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4142079",
            "display" : "Conversion from uncemented hemiarthroplasty of hip"
            "code" : "4208618",
            "display" : "Refashioning of arteriovenous fistula"
            "code" : "4309273",
            "display" : "Plastic repair with lengthening"
            "code" : "4065708",
            "display" : "Repair of canthus with local skin flap"
            "code" : "37157471",
            "display" : "Total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation"
            "code" : "4271046",
            "display" : "Reconstructive orthopedic procedure"
            "code" : "4066082",
            "display" : "Reduction rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "4101560",
            "display" : "Functional reconstruction of internal nose"
            "code" : "4197307",
            "display" : "Augmentation of tibia"
            "code" : "4322461",
            "display" : "Treatment of nasomaxillary complex fracture, Lefort II type"
            "code" : "4029419",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of abdominal wall using flap"
            "code" : "4194057",
            "display" : "Excision of lesion of palate with local flap closure"
            "code" : "4107577",
            "display" : "Reduction of gigantism of hand"
            "code" : "44783283",
            "display" : "Local flap of skin to neck"
            "code" : "4003903",
            "display" : "Nerve reconstruction"
            "code" : "4166279",
            "display" : "Zancolli reconstruction stage 2"
            "code" : "4167829",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of diaphragm"
            "code" : "4232347",
            "display" : "Pharyngeal reconstruction by direct closure"
            "code" : "37152351",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of articular cartilage of knee joint"
            "code" : "4073105",
            "display" : "Distant microvascular transferred flap, axial pattern"
            "code" : "4003889",
            "display" : "Testis reconstruction"
            "code" : "44790033",
            "display" : "Graft of fascia to eyelid"
            "code" : "35610630",
            "display" : "Superior capsular reconstruction of shoulder joint"
            "code" : "4142230",
            "display" : "Repair of cleft hard palate with posteriorly based axial transposition flap"
            "code" : "40493419",
            "display" : "Primary extraarticular prosthetic augmentation of intraarticular ligament"
            "code" : "4104832",
            "display" : "Pemberton osteotomy operation of ilium"
            "code" : "4070619",
            "display" : "Repair of anterior cleft palate with local flap"
            "code" : "37165150",
            "display" : "Excision of pressure injury of lower limb with local flap reconstruction using skin flap"
            "code" : "4137375",
            "display" : "Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc"
            "code" : "4097143",
            "display" : "Pharyngoplasty for cleft palate"
            "code" : "4267431",
            "display" : "Osteoclasis of femur"
            "code" : "44807545",
            "display" : "Scapholunate ligament reconstruction"
            "code" : "4003234",
            "display" : "Scrotum reconstruction"
            "code" : "4221558",
            "display" : "Primary rhinoplasty with elevation of nasal tip"
            "code" : "44809224",
            "display" : "CT and fluoroscopy guided cementoplasty"
            "code" : "4107112",
            "display" : "Primary allograft augmentation extra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "44813882",
            "display" : "Revision of breast reduction"
            "code" : "4066079",
            "display" : "Total reconstruction of nose"
            "code" : "4004034",
            "display" : "Posterior segment of eye reconstruction"
            "code" : "37310508",
            "display" : "Thyroplasty"
            "code" : "4333018",
            "display" : "Posterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid"
            "code" : "40483135",
            "display" : "Revisional laminoplasty of cervical spine"
            "code" : "37157145",
            "display" : "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone autograft"
            "code" : "4121436",
            "display" : "Bone reconstruction"
            "code" : "4235352",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of forehead using autograft"
            "code" : "4000743",
            "display" : "Pelvis reconstruction"
            "code" : "40483153",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of oral cavity"
            "code" : "42537125",
            "display" : "Transfer of distant skin flap to neck"
            "code" : "4002540",
            "display" : "Integumentary system reconstruction"
            "code" : "4012929",
            "display" : "Surgical closure of tracheal fistula with plastic repair"
            "code" : "4296539",
            "display" : "Middle ear reconstruction"
            "code" : "42539076",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using skin flap"
            "code" : "4147194",
            "display" : "Grafting of bone of clavicle"
            "code" : "42709788",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of lower limb"
            "code" : "4003560",
            "display" : "External ear reconstruction"
            "code" : "4003200",
            "display" : "Accessory sinus reconstruction"
            "code" : "4048315",
            "display" : "Occlusion of nostril"
            "code" : "4140871",
            "display" : "Repair of cleft hard palate with bipedicled flaps"
            "code" : "4140106",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of tricuspid valve"
            "code" : "4081414",
            "display" : "Reconstruction with distant flap"
            "code" : "44810515",
            "display" : "Fluoroscopy guided recanalisation of vein"
            "code" : "4140285",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of radial club hand"
            "code" : "46271054",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of floor of mouth"
            "code" : "44806754",
            "display" : "Closed rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "40492355",
            "display" : "Repositioning of corneal flap"
            "code" : "4335300",
            "display" : "Anterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid"
            "code" : "4203994",
            "display" : "Cervical laminoplasty with decompression of spinal cord"
            "code" : "4061557",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eye socket"
            "code" : "4002402",
            "display" : "Cardiovascular system reconstruction"
            "code" : "37394749",
            "display" : "Primary open modification rhinoplasty involving cartilage"
            "code" : "4065699",
            "display" : "Correction of vertical orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies"
            "code" : "4049671",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of suprarenal artery"
            "code" : "4076601",
            "display" : "Conversion from uncemented unicompartmental knee replacement"
            "code" : "4166278",
            "display" : "Zancolli reconstruction stage 1"
            "code" : "4140813",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on muscle"
            "code" : "44782856",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on pharynx"
            "code" : "4144856",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of pulmonary valve"
            "code" : "37152798",
            "display" : "Revision of total replacement of knee joint using modular metal augmentation"
            "code" : "4212092",
            "display" : "Periprosthetic capsulotomy of breast"
            "code" : "4220514",
            "display" : "Augmentation osteoplasty of facial bones"
            "code" : "4169916",
            "display" : "Augmentation of bladder"
            "code" : "4121899",
            "display" : "Adipose tissue reduction operation"
            "code" : "4197308",
            "display" : "Augmentation of talus"
            "code" : "4241100",
            "display" : "Reduction mammoplasty"
            "code" : "4002398",
            "display" : "Trachea reconstruction"
            "code" : "4002208",
            "display" : "Adenoid reconstruction"
            "code" : "4002551",
            "display" : "Mouth reconstruction"
            "code" : "4137885",
            "display" : "Alar reconstruction with cartilage graft"
            "code" : "4048431",
            "display" : "Rhinoseptoplasty"
            "code" : "4313292",
            "display" : "Bronchoplasty"
            "code" : "37156121",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using latissimus dorsi flap"
            "code" : "4019026",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of aorta"
            "code" : "4130390",
            "display" : "Refashioning urinary stoma"
            "code" : "4085126",
            "display" : "Reconstruction with fascial graft"
            "code" : "4083672",
            "display" : "Arthroscopic chondroplasty of shoulder joint"
            "code" : "4019423",
            "display" : "Profundoplasty of femoral artery and patch repair of deep femoral artery"
            "code" : "4343908",
            "display" : "Ligament reconstruction"
            "code" : "4001544",
            "display" : "Ovary reconstruction"
            "code" : "4048640",
            "display" : "Posterior pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty"
            "code" : "4262815",
            "display" : "Primary repair of torn ligament and capsule of knee, collateral"
            "code" : "4004035",
            "display" : "Extraocular muscles reconstruction"
            "code" : "46273050",
            "display" : "Reconstruction with supercharged free flap"
            "code" : "4237771",
            "display" : "Restoration of eyebrow with graft"
            "code" : "44782858",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on salivary duct"
            "code" : "4329163",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of subcutaneous tissue without skin graft"
            "code" : "4122104",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of mouth defect using graft"
            "code" : "4118961",
            "display" : "Pharyngeal reconstruction with distant flap"
            "code" : "37157470",
            "display" : "Revision of total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation"
            "code" : "4169902",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap"
            "code" : "4338040",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of orbital cavity with conjunctival flap"
            "code" : "4073709",
            "display" : "Pedicle flap urethroplasty"
            "code" : "4004057",
            "display" : "Construction in forearm"
            "code" : "4261527",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of below-elbow amputation"
            "code" : "4004031",
            "display" : "Anterior segment of eye reconstruction"
            "code" : "4224970",
            "display" : "Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament augmentation"
            "code" : "4027668",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyebrow"
            "code" : "4283380",
            "display" : "Plastic repair with prosthetic implant"
            "code" : "44807383",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of posterolateral corner of knee"
            "code" : "44807403",
            "display" : "Ligament reconstruction of carpometacarpal joint of thumb"
            "code" : "45766810",
            "display" : "Closed rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "4213796",
            "display" : "Rhinoplasty of nasal deformity"
            "code" : "4073099",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using distant free osteofasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis"
            "code" : "44783706",
            "display" : "Radial forearm free flap"
            "code" : "4306567",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of pharynx"
            "code" : "4286488",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyelid with graft"
            "code" : "4259418",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of medial collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft"
            "code" : "44782962",
            "display" : "Local fasciocutaneous flap to neck"
            "code" : "36674357",
            "display" : "Laparoscopic augmentation of lower esophageal sphincter using magnetic titanium ring"
            "code" : "4152497",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of nose with bone graft and skin flap"
            "code" : "4078254",
            "display" : "Primary arthroscopic prosthetic ligament augmentation"
            "code" : "4193059",
            "display" : "Plastic operations on nipple"
            "code" : "42872685",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of intraarticular ligament"
            "code" : "4001367",
            "display" : "Anus reconstruction"
            "code" : "4137609",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of penis"
            "code" : "4321095",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of joint"
            "code" : "4142883",
            "display" : "Grafting of skin and fat to eyelid"
            "code" : "35621837",
            "display" : "Repair of epispadias urethroplasty using glanular flap"
            "code" : "4073098",
            "display" : "Distant microvascular transferred flap, fasciocutaneous"
            "code" : "4052244",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of axillary artery"
            "code" : "4071370",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of tendon"
            "code" : "4047346",
            "display" : "Augmentation procedure"
            "code" : "4173484",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of femoral artery"
            "code" : "4002394",
            "display" : "Larynx reconstruction"
            "code" : "4259405",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of forehead using allograft"
            "code" : "4181413",
            "display" : "Limited rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "4236837",
            "display" : "Tendon pulley reconstruction"
            "code" : "4003054",
            "display" : "Hip joint reconstruction"
            "code" : "4023618",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of head and neck using muscle flap"
            "code" : "4048622",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of nose"
            "code" : "4146450",
            "display" : "Extraarticular scapular resection with reconstruction of shoulder"
            "code" : "4072138",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of radial insertion of biceps brachii"
            "code" : "42709789",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of lower leg"
            "code" : "4034441",
            "display" : "Resurfacing of the patella"
            "code" : "37152834",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using bipedicled flap"
            "code" : "4297300",
            "display" : "Ligamentous reconstruction of knee, intra-articular and extra-articular"
            "code" : "4078578",
            "display" : "Reduction of macrodactyly of hand"
            "code" : "4001363",
            "display" : "Small intestine reconstruction"
            "code" : "4117208",
            "display" : "Hand plastic operation with implant"
            "code" : "4204902",
            "display" : "Grafting of bone to iliac crest with microvascular anastomosis"
            "code" : "4330850",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyelid"
            "code" : "4180122",
            "display" : "Uvulopalatoplasty"
            "code" : "37152862",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using mucosal flap"
            "code" : "37152465",
            "display" : "Pedicle myocutaneous flap to eyelid"
            "code" : "44782960",
            "display" : "Local myocutaneous flap to neck"
            "code" : "42537372",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using forehead flap graft"
            "code" : "761060",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of thigh"
            "code" : "37162960",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using flap from forehead"
            "code" : "4072579",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of vagina"
            "code" : "4067249",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of nose with skin graft"
            "code" : "4049381",
            "display" : "Pharyngeal reconstruction using prosthesis"
            "code" : "4081413",
            "display" : "Reconstruction with skin graft"
            "code" : "4013058",
            "display" : "Conjunctival flap, partial"
            "code" : "4067246",
            "display" : "Augmentation rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "4168538",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of popliteal artery"
            "code" : "4135728",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of angular deformity of toe by soft tissue procedure"
            "code" : "4069606",
            "display" : "Chondroplasty of larynx"
            "code" : "40480565",
            "display" : "Ablative resurfacing of skin of eyelid using laser"
            "code" : "4075460",
            "display" : "Grafting of mucosa to head or neck"
            "code" : "4306447",
            "display" : "Repair of postcataract wound dehiscence with conjunctival flap"
            "code" : "4065700",
            "display" : "Correction of rotational orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies"
            "code" : "4123243",
            "display" : "Reduction of maxillary tuberosity"
            "code" : "4107105",
            "display" : "Primary autograft replacement extra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4167163",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of head and neck using fasciocutaneous flap"
            "code" : "4311042",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of artery"
            "code" : "4199737",
            "display" : "Plastic repair with excision of tissue"
            "code" : "4343674",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint"
            "code" : "37157102",
            "display" : "Anterior palatoplasty"
            "code" : "42537375",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using deltopectoral pedicle flap"
            "code" : "37394753",
            "display" : "Primary closed modification rhinoplasty involving cartilage"
            "code" : "37163220",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using posterior tibial artery fasciocutaneous flap"
            "code" : "4001359",
            "display" : "Esophagus reconstruction"
            "code" : "4029134",
            "display" : "Augmentation of buttock"
            "code" : "4078258",
            "display" : "Arthroscopic acromioplasty"
            "code" : "4201285",
            "display" : "Bone graft of femur"
            "code" : "4000895",
            "display" : "Aorta reconstruction"
            "code" : "4070231",
            "display" : "Plastic excision of skin of abdominal wall"
            "code" : "4068549",
            "display" : "Overlay scleroplasty"
            "code" : "4077322",
            "display" : "Primary reattachment extra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4132460",
            "display" : "Repair of spinal meningocele using local flap"
            "code" : "4231058",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint using graft"
            "code" : "42709806",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of upper arm"
            "code" : "4002055",
            "display" : "Skin of trunk reconstruction"
            "code" : "4144883",
            "display" : "Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc"
            "code" : "4068912",
            "display" : "Repair of anterior cleft palate with vomerine flap"
            "code" : "44808441",
            "display" : "Endoscopic augmentation of lower oesophageal sphincter using hydrogel implant"
            "code" : "4000754",
            "display" : "Thigh reconstruction"
            "code" : "37394757",
            "display" : "Primary open augmentation rhinoplasty involving cartilage"
            "code" : "4180999",
            "display" : "Microvascular free tissue transfer of flap of muscle"
            "code" : "4068916",
            "display" : "Laser uvulectomy and palatal scarring"
            "code" : "4229990",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of vena cava"
            "code" : "4003045",
            "display" : "Neck reconstruction"
            "code" : "44806205",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of intra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4210771",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness"
            "code" : "4183405",
            "display" : "Conjunctival flap, total"
            "code" : "4065574",
            "display" : "Hair bearing skin flap to eyebrow"
            "code" : "4280367",
            "display" : "Conjunctival flap, bridge"
            "code" : "4085260",
            "display" : "Reduction of batwing arms"
            "code" : "4237750",
            "display" : "Surgical closure of tracheostomy with plastic repair"
            "code" : "4186462",
            "display" : "Plastic repair with augmentation"
            "code" : "4329457",
            "display" : "Bone graft to nose"
            "code" : "4035766",
            "display" : "Complex reconstruction operations on wrist and hand(excluding arthroplasty)"
            "code" : "37158483",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of pressure injury stage II"
            "code" : "4115486",
            "display" : "Reconstruction artificial larynx"
            "code" : "4003551",
            "display" : "Brain reconstruction"
            "code" : "4001885",
            "display" : "Ankle reconstruction"
            "code" : "37157387",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of mandible using bone flap"
            "code" : "37157264",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of extremity using flap"
            "code" : "4089967",
            "display" : "Filleting of toe flap including preparation of recipient site"
            "code" : "44783703",
            "display" : "Laminoplasty at C3 and C4 vertebra"
            "code" : "4333697",
            "display" : "Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using distal tissue flap"
            "code" : "37152854",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using flap"
            "code" : "37157171",
            "display" : "Total replacement of knee with impaction bone graft"
            "code" : "4041981",
            "display" : "Gastrointestinal tract reconstruction"
            "code" : "40479267",
            "display" : "Transplantation of muscle flap to upper extremity"
            "code" : "44806206",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4067091",
            "display" : "Conversion from previous direct anastomosis of esophagus"
            "code" : "4001020",
            "display" : "Lip reconstruction"
            "code" : "4036944",
            "display" : "Plastic repair with shortening"
            "code" : "4077325",
            "display" : "Primary open reattachment intra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4267730",
            "display" : "Excision of ischial pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction"
            "code" : "4074406",
            "display" : "Complex reconstruction operations on hand and foot"
            "code" : "4139425",
            "display" : "Bone graft of patella"
            "code" : "4076602",
            "display" : "Conversion from hybrid unicompartmental knee replacement"
            "code" : "4107589",
            "display" : "Reduction of gigantism of foot"
            "code" : "4106756",
            "display" : "Primary extra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "4076600",
            "display" : "Conversion from cemented unicompartmental knee replacement"
            "code" : "4075317",
            "display" : "Reconstruction with mucosal graft"
            "code" : "4071518",
            "display" : "Abdominoplasty"
            "code" : "4333005",
            "display" : "Correction of vertical orbital dystopia"
            "code" : "37158484",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of pressure injury stage III"
            "code" : "4071286",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of gastrostomy"
            "code" : "4002213",
            "display" : "Thymus reconstruction"
            "code" : "4232236",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of volar plate of interphalangeal joint of finger"
            "code" : "40479737",
            "display" : "Augmentation of pectoral region"
            "code" : "37157144",
            "display" : "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone allograft"
            "code" : "36676206",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on palatopharyngeal sphincter with reconstruction using pharyngeal flap"
            "code" : "4048313",
            "display" : "Open rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "4330505",
            "display" : "Cementoplasty of glenoid using fluoroscopic guidance"
            "code" : "4070620",
            "display" : "Repair of cleft soft palate with intra-velar veloplasty"
            "code" : "4081734",
            "display" : "Reconstruction with local flap"
            "code" : "42537263",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of ear"
            "code" : "4240016",
            "display" : "Surgical fracture of nasal turbinates"
            "code" : "4127436",
            "display" : "Augmentation of periarticular bone"
            "code" : "4080101",
            "display" : "Reduction of macrodactyly of toe"
            "code" : "4081735",
            "display" : "Reconstruction with free flap"
            "code" : "4201943",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of vagina with flap"
            "code" : "4001552",
            "display" : "Eye reconstruction"
            "code" : "4170547",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of lateral canthus"
            "code" : "4032007",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane flap"
            "code" : "4245403",
            "display" : "Osteoclasis of scapula"
            "code" : "4134852",
            "display" : "Lingual frenoplasty"
            "code" : "4100203",
            "display" : "Suture of thoracic duct by abdominal approach"
            "code" : "4001871",
            "display" : "Wrist reconstruction"
            "code" : "4003571",
            "display" : "Abdomen reconstruction"
            "code" : "4032137",
            "display" : "Previous chest wall incision - repair with flap"
            "code" : "44807384",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of medial patellofemoral ligament"
            "code" : "4065698",
            "display" : "Correction of hypotelorism with orbital osteotomies"
            "code" : "4254212",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on hand with implant"
            "code" : "4263264",
            "display" : "Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty"
            "code" : "4260966",
            "display" : "Resection of pharyngeal wall with closure using myocutaneous flap"
            "code" : "37152911",
            "display" : "Robot assisted laparoscopic ureteroplasty with oral mucosal graft"
            "code" : "4210326",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of frontonasal duct"
            "code" : "4073975",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of urethrocele in female"
            "code" : "4093294",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on fascia"
            "code" : "37017415",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of joint of knee with external fixation"
            "code" : "4069045",
            "display" : "Repair of anterior palatal fistula with gingival flap"
            "code" : "4002695",
            "display" : "Lymphatic system reconstruction"
            "code" : "4339302",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of trunk using myocutaneous flap"
            "code" : "4107273",
            "display" : "Primary arthroscopic autograft ligament augmentation"
            "code" : "4004053",
            "display" : "Perineum reconstruction"
            "code" : "4146614",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of nose with flap"
            "code" : "4210148",
            "display" : "Augmentation of femur"
            "code" : "764574",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of conjunctival fornix"
            "code" : "4208343",
            "display" : "Augmentation of glenoid"
            "code" : "4132461",
            "display" : "Repair of spinal meningocele using distant flap"
            "code" : "4205235",
            "display" : "Thompson hemiarthroplasty of hip joint using cement"
            "code" : "4161778",
            "display" : "Guide wire recanalization of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast"
            "code" : "4124340",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of mouth using flap"
            "code" : "4071774",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using distant osteomyocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis"
            "code" : "4002405",
            "display" : "Heart reconstruction"
            "code" : "4335524",
            "display" : "Cementoplasty of acetabulum using fluoroscopic guidance"
            "code" : "4206405",
            "display" : "Excision of coccygeal pressure injury with coccygectomy and flap reconstruction"
            "code" : "4002209",
            "display" : "Tonsil reconstruction"
            "code" : "37157146",
            "display" : "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with impaction bone grafting"
            "code" : "44809351",
            "display" : "Revision of reduction mastopexy"
            "code" : "4247598",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of trunk using muscle flap"
            "code" : "4071131",
            "display" : "Repair of defect of palate with mucosal flap"
            "code" : "4032786",
            "display" : "Rhytidectomy of subcutaneous and musculoaponeurotic system"
            "code" : "4332314",
            "display" : "Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using local tissue flap"
            "code" : "4041631",
            "display" : "Enlargement procedure"
            "code" : "4185047",
            "display" : "Arthroscopically aided anterior cruciate ligament augmentation"
            "code" : "37158485",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of pressure injury stage IV"
            "code" : "4172453",
            "display" : "Osteoplasty of cranium with flap of bone"
            "code" : "4173515",
            "display" : "MUA - Manipulation under anesthetic of fractured nasal bones"
            "code" : "4337598",
            "display" : "Tracheal reconstruction with patch"
            "code" : "4003533",
            "display" : "Epididymis reconstruction"
            "code" : "4002555",
            "display" : "Stomach reconstruction"
            "code" : "4220482",
            "display" : "Tracheoplasty by intrathoracic approach"
            "code" : "44809637",
            "display" : "Fluoroscopy guided recanalisation of tunnelled central venous catheter using guide wire"
            "code" : "4117066",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of urethra"
            "code" : "4122290",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on spinal cord/meninges"
            "code" : "4001884",
            "display" : "Foot reconstruction"
            "code" : "44782859",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on salivary gland"
            "code" : "44783700",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of skin"
            "code" : "4184586",
            "display" : "Plastic repair with reduction"
            "code" : "4230793",
            "display" : "Repair of cisterna chyli"
            "code" : "4335301",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyelid with skin flap"
            "code" : "4310613",
            "display" : "Excision of trochanteric pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction"
            "code" : "4244731",
            "display" : "Augmentation of outflow tract of pulmonary valve"
            "code" : "4075122",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of rotator cuff of shoulder"
            "code" : "37311672",
            "display" : "Pedicle vascularized bone graft to iliac crest"
            "code" : "4337469",
            "display" : "Laryngotracheoplasty"
            "code" : "4048638",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus"
            "code" : "4338529",
            "display" : "Hysterotracheloplasty"
            "code" : "4001561",
            "display" : "Inner ear reconstruction"
            "code" : "4071129",
            "display" : "Repair of defect of palate with skin flap"
            "code" : "4070512",
            "display" : "Watson-Jones operation for reconstruction of lateral ligaments of ankle"
            "code" : "4002691",
            "display" : "Endocrine gland reconstruction"
            "code" : "4049435",
            "display" : "Intermediate transfer of pedicle flap"
            "code" : "4205774",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of dislocating patella with patellectomy"
            "code" : "4282469",
            "display" : "Tracheoplasty by cervical approach"
            "code" : "4002558",
            "display" : "Large intestine reconstruction"
            "code" : "4051618",
            "display" : "External rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "4056776",
            "display" : "Plastic repair and transfer of tissue"
            "code" : "4312953",
            "display" : "Gastroplasty"
            "code" : "4217826",
            "display" : "Revision rhinoplasty"
            "code" : "4197306",
            "display" : "Augmentation of humerus"
            "code" : "4199945",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of maxilla with flap"
            "code" : "4333152",
            "display" : "Iridoplasty"
            "code" : "4071128",
            "display" : "Repair of defect of palate with flap of palate"
            "code" : "4335178",
            "display" : "Correction of hypotelorism"
            "code" : "37394770",
            "display" : "Primary closed reduction rhinoplasty involving cartilage"
            "code" : "4162104",
            "display" : "Frenoplasty"
            "code" : "4144871",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of femoral artery or popliteal artery"
            "code" : "4215635",
            "display" : "Repair of entropion with lid reconstruction"
            "code" : "4003719",
            "display" : "Neck artery reconstruction"
            "code" : "4116621",
            "display" : "Hair bearing graft of skin to skin"
            "code" : "4123634",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of breast with flap"
            "code" : "4241567",
            "display" : "Plastic repair with radial incision"
            "code" : "4069043",
            "display" : "Repair of defect of palate with tongue flap"
            "code" : "4072048",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of tendon sheath"
            "code" : "4078088",
            "display" : "Primary autograft augmentation extra-articular ligament"
            "code" : "40480417",
            "display" : "Primary reconstruction of lamina of cervical spine"
            "code" : "4048336",
            "display" : "Pharyngeal reconstruction with local flap"
            "code" : "4201581",
            "display" : "Primary rhinoplasty of alar cartilages"
            "code" : "4339606",
            "display" : "Tracheal reconstruction with flap"
            "code" : "4336297",
            "display" : "Repair of spinal myelomeningocele using local flap"
            "code" : "37164591",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of nasopharynx using pedicle nasoseptal flap"
            "code" : "4042311",
            "display" : "Plastic repair procedure"
            "code" : "4144604",
            "display" : "Complex reconstruction of shoulder"
            "code" : "4123868",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of palate"
            "code" : "4297366",
            "display" : "Plastic repair of mouth"
            "code" : "4279760",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of head and neck using myocutaneous flap"
            "code" : "4070229",
            "display" : "Facelift and tightening of platysma"
            "code" : "40479712",
            "display" : "Transplantation of muscle flap to lower extremity"
            "code" : "4208344",
            "display" : "Augmentation of ulna"
            "code" : "4286791",
            "display" : "Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction"
            "code" : "4285601",
            "display" : "Wardill operation, cleft palate repair"
            "code" : "4307240",
            "display" : "Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty"
            "code" : "4239567",
            "display" : "Grafting of bone of scapula"
            "code" : "4165736",
            "display" : "Pharyngolaryngectomy with radical neck dissection and reconstruction"
            "code" : "37157072",
            "display" : "Local fascial flap to eyelid"
            "code" : "4138869",
            "display" : "Conversion from cemented hemiarthroplasty of hip"
            "code" : "36676205",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of mandible using osteocutaneous flap"
            "code" : "44784395",
            "display" : "Resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus"
            "code" : "4281095",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of eyelid, partial-thickness"
            "code" : "4003725",
            "display" : "Vein reconstruction"
            "code" : "4002538",
            "display" : "Pericardium reconstruction"
            "code" : "4088219",
            "display" : "Osteoclasis of carpal and/or metacarpal bone"
            "code" : "764450",
            "display" : "Circumferential body lift"
            "code" : "4003065",
            "display" : "Hand reconstruction"
            "code" : "4041967",
            "display" : "Reconstruction for recurrent dislocating patella with extensor realignment"
            "code" : "37398848",
            "display" : "Primary closed augmentation rhinoplasty involving cartilage"
            "code" : "4201600",
            "display" : "Filleting of finger flap including preparation of recipient site"
            "code" : "4285274",
            "display" : "Formation of free flap graft by microvascular technique"
            "code" : "4003552",
            "display" : "Spinal cord reconstruction"
            "code" : "44782860",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on tongue"
            "code" : "37152785",
            "display" : "Reconstruction using pedicle fascial flap"
            "code" : "4107235",
            "display" : "Plastic repair and revision of injury"
            "code" : "764404",
            "display" : "Augmentation of maxillary sinus"
            "code" : "4270512",
            "display" : "Osteoclasis of patella"
            "code" : "4324447",
            "display" : "CT guided cementoplasty of glenoid"
            "code" : "45773109",
            "display" : "Plastic operation on trachea"
            "code" : "4048337",
            "display" : "Pharyngeal reconstruction with gastrointestinal anastomosis"
            "code" : "40482475",
            "display" : "Resurfacing of head of femur"
            "code" : "4002203",
            "display" : "Thyroid gland reconstruction"
            "code" : "4214889",
            "display" : "Carinal reconstruction"
            "code" : "4141236",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of external ear with flap"
            "code" : "37153594",
            "display" : "Total replacement of knee joint using modular metal augmentation"
            "code" : "4149336",
            "display" : "Plastic repair and revision with revascularization"
            "code" : "40479973",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament for stabilization of joint"
            "code" : "4001891",
            "display" : "Nasopharynx reconstruction"
            "code" : "4169832",
            "display" : "Reconstruction of superficial femoral artery"
            "code" : "40479754",
            "display" : "Augmentation of soft tissue of face using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene implant"
            "code" : "4003395",
            "display" : "Inguinal region reconstruction"
            "code" : "4003233",
            "display" : "Vas deferens reconstruction"
            "code" : "4335461",
            "display" : "Reduction of Reinke's edema"
            "code" : "4194745",
            "display" : "Excision of anal fissure and island flap closure"
            "code" : "4002200",
            "display" : "Pancreas reconstruction"
        "valueSet" : [

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.